The process works by firing an extremely fast, but powerful laser beam at the tattooed parts of the skin – 6 nanoseconds and 1.6J of energy in the case of our Quanta Q-Plus C laser. When it hits the ink; assuming you’ve got the correct wavelength of laser, it shatters the ink into tiny particles. Thereafter, the body’s white blood cells deal with the particles that are small enough for them to handle, taking them to the body’s lymph system, which then flushes the ink out of the body naturally.

Other than white ink, yes. Some colours are harder than others to remove, but with the Quanta Q-Plus C’s three separate wavelengths all colours (other than white) can be successfully removed.

It’s hard to say as every person, and their tattoo, is different. It depends on things like the type of ink, the colour of ink, and the location of the tattoo (as a general rule, the further from the heart the harder it is to remove). Some will go very quickly; as quick as two sessions, while others can take 8-10 sessions – occasionally even more. What we can say is, that with the power of the Quanta Q-Plus C your tattoo will disappear much quicker than with the vast majority of laser machines in use at the present time.

At least six weeks, but ideally eight. It’s a myth that this is to give the skin time to recover, as most people’s skin should recover fully within 3 to 4 days. These timescales are needed to allow the white blood cells time to remove the ink particles from your skin and flush them out of your body. If you have treatments too close together you will not get the full benefit from them, and it certainly would not represent good value for money from our client’s perspective.

This greatly depends on the level of care the individual gives to the treated area in the days after the treatment. The technology we use for laser tattoo removal (including a fractional handpiece which is fantastic for removing scar tissue) and the training the In{k}visible staff go through will reduce the possibility of scarring to an absolute minimum, however if a client decides to scratch or pick at the treated area the skin can be damaged or become infected, ultimately leaving some scarring. If you look after your skin and follow the aftercare guidance there should be no scarring, but as with most skin treatments there are no guarantees.

Yes you can. However, we would only remove black ink using the appropriate laser wavelength, as other colours, and the use of other laser wavelengths, can sometimes cause hypopigmentation issues on darker skin tones.

Yes there is a level of discomfort involved. Sometimes likened to an elastic band being pinged against you; the pain is no more than getting a tattoo in the first place. It also depends on people’s differing pain thresholds; as women always say, men don’t have the same pain threshold as women! We use a Zimmer Cryo 6 air cooler to help manage any discomfort that you may experience.

It really depends on two things; the size of the tattoo, and the number of different ink colours in it. Our price guide on our website will give you the information you need, but why not give us a call or pop into our clinic for more information.

This all depends on the size of the area being treated, and whether it is a single colour or multiple colour tattoo that’s being treated. As a guide, a single colour tattoo roughly the size of the palm of a hand would normally take no longer than 15min to treat.